Sunday, May 12, 2013

This I Believe- Rough Draft

     "Men build too many walls and not enough bridges." I've shut out all the different types of opportunities in my life and now as I get older I look for others that will help lead me to places. Being that I have failed in so many areas, and let things get to the best of me, I've been putting up a blockage that has kept me from moving on. It gives a certain push that will allow me to break these walls down and cross over.
      Growing up I was never really the type of person who was the best at everything or let alone anything. I would learn to do new things, but there would always be someone else that would be better at it than me. That's where one wall went up. I did have the ability to try new things and maybe even be good at them, but I never let myself.  I was never the person who played a sport, or who even had a hobby. I always managed to find a way out of doing things, I was afraid of being a let down.
     Other notions also kept me from opening up to different opportunities, such as "what if I won't amount to anything?, what if I just fail again?" All these walls were being built that I couldn't get anywhere. I was reserved with insecurities. But, It was to my realization that if I don't expose myself now, where would I go in life? It was at that moment that I saw an array of possibilities that I didn't let myself try. So, little by little I tried a sport or two, I was put into dance classes and even began to play an instrument. I knocked down all the walls, that kept me from doing all of these great opportunities.
       I've kept myself from doing the things I enjoy now, just because I was diffident. "Men build too many walls and not enough bridges." Although I may be skeptical about doing some things, I am now able to go out and try new things. I have managed to break down those walls ans cross over into something new.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure what the essay is actually about. You need to pick something you truly believe in, put it into a statement then write about it in an essay. You discuss how you live your life but again we don't know exactly what statement you are trying to prove. AS(1-)
