Sunday, September 9, 2012

College/Personal Statement Essay Draft

     University of Arizona
Have you ever struggled mightily for something and failed? How did you respond?

          Even though people say the words "past is past," I can vividly remember all the negative things said to me growing up. Somehow those words stayed with me and has affected me in great measures. "Why can't you be smarter, how come you're not pretty or skinny like your cousins, why can't you do anything right," were constantly repeated to me whenever my relatives would see me. There was a point where I broke down and cried out all my anger and sadness that I was holding in. I told myself that I had to prove those who hurt me wrong, and fix all of the flaws that I had.

         Everyone wants to be accepted for who they are, but I felt that I needed to change for others to be satisfied.  I became what no other other person would want to feel, uncomfortable in my own skin. I've been told so many times to not let anything bother me, but I felt as if those things about me were true. I didn't feel like going out with family or friends, even though they invited me to do the things that I loved to do. Sure, I was able to do the weirdest things without caring what others thought, but that all stopped.

        I began to do what people who knew me never expected of me. Of course teachers expect you to do what is told of you, but I went ahead and did more. After doing my normal assignments, I did extra work just so that I would understand the material more clearly. Even though I would pass a test, I would study more and retake the same test to see if I could get a higher score. Every time I would get a good grade I went home to tell my parents, just so that they didn't feel I was a disappointment. Instead of watching cartoons or drama shows, I watched informational shows, or more of educational channels. I gained knowledge and was shock of how many things I didn't before.

       Not only did I try to become smarter, I also tried to change  everything on the outside. I bought clothes that I didn't feel comfortable in, but I just cared about what everyone else was wearing. I cut my hair, and even put weird things on my face. I did all sorts of things to make myself look different. Aside from trying to look different, I tried to not get anyone upset with me. I did what I was asked to do, answered politely instead the normal "What do you want?!" and tried to fix what I could not do right before.

      After trying my best to fix what others thought wrong of me, I went back out to see what they thought of the "new" me. I showed them my report card, wore a new outfit, and helped out with what they needed help with. Waiting for a response, someone finally says something. With a happy look on my face, it turned into the saddest. "So, you're still not like your cousins and how come you are not helping you are so lazy! Everyone else is doing something but you!" I looked at the people who they were comparing to and saw that they were doing absolutely nothing helpful but just sitting down watching television with their trash on the ground.

     I turned around and walked away, I felt a tear trickle down my face because I knew that I was a disappointment. For the next few days I locked myself in my room, knocked everything down in anger and could not even eat. After letting all my feelings out, I had a session with someone who accepted me for who I was. We talked about what had been going, and had given me advice that I will never forget. "Skylar, always know that people will judge you for the things you do, but it is your decision of whether to let it get to you or not care at all. But know that those who hurt you have been through the same situation as you."

     Hearing words like that helped me to realize, that it didn't matter what I wore, what things I know, how to do things right or be a perfectionist, all that matters is what I thought of myself. I went back to the person who everyone noticed flaws in, I went back to the real me. Today I may be shy, but there is an outgoing side of me. I can go out and do weird things again and also do the things that I love to do.


  1. Heeey Sis!
    OMG I really loved you're essay, I could really tell that you put in a lot of time, effort and thinking into this essay. The topic went well through out the entire essay. You made you're essay so sad I was about too cry.. But then the ending summarized the whole part to it. Honestly I could really understand and see what you're essays about, you should always remember that everyone is there own individual so don't change you're self for someone else, change for the better of you! Anyways I'll be here for you if you ever need someone! (: & okay although you're essay was really great I'd suggest that you say who is the person that helped you feel better and overcome those negative feelings, and be specific in why you went to that person, whats the relationship?... Also, there were a few grammatical errors so just re-read it and you'll be fine. All in all you've done a spectacular job and i can't wait to read your final, Good luck and Good job soo far! (:

  2. I really liked your idea. One thing you can't forget is that you need to add in a more personal experience to really show us what you meant by being uncomfortable in your own skin. Other than that just read over and try to add more detail.

  3. Hi skylar! good job on your essay :) I like how strong your emotion was in your essay! I thought that your essay was really strong overall and was honestly one of the best pieces I've seen you write. I do think that, like Kaitlyn said, reread some parts and fix a few grammatical errors. Good job!!!!
