Thursday, May 10, 2012

Poetry Project: Connections essay

       Everyone may have a reason of not having the courage to do certain things. People may be afraid of certain things and may not want to go up and about to try them. Courage is an important factor in a person's life, without it there would be no changes and people would not be able to get what they want. It can help you to meet more people, and it can help you to try new things that you were once afraid of.
      There is a connection between all of my pieces, the connection is that in every one's life there may be one or a couple of things that can frighten them, because of other people or other people's examples. Because of that reason some may not be confident as much. There may always be a point in a person's life where they face their fears to help a person or maybe just to do it to boost up their self-confidence.  There is a connection of how people can have hurts or sufferings and not have the courage to get back back up and try to start over. There may be struggles that bring you down and keep you from speaking up and making a difference.
        Courage is the ability to do what frightens one and the strength in the face of pain of grief. So, instead of showing weakness and fear all a person needs is a little bit of courage. Courage will not hold you back from doing the things you love to do, but there are some things that just hold people back from doing them.

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